Thursday, January 15, 2009

Different Slave Jobs

Slaves didn't only just work in the field, they worked around the house, and they worked different jobs around the field. But if u were a slave in ancient Greece you would have about 250 jobs in one day. But the main jobs, slaves did were, working in the house, the fields, ship rowers, and even police. Only men could be police, and the only way they could have jobs as police their masters had to let them have freedom. Working in the house, slaves were considered part of the family. House slaves sometimes even took part in family activities, like sacrifices. But the house slave did have many tasks to complete, like cleaning the house, and keeping the fire going. The masters wife usually followed the slave to keep giving him/her jobs, and to make sure they are doing their jobs. but not all slave jobs were safe, there were some deadly jobs, like a war ship rower. Because if the boat sank then the slaves could not get out and they would drown, and there was usually 50-60 slaves on one ship. And if the boat didn't sink killing all the slaves, most slaves died of hunger because they would go days or even weeks without food.

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